Before any item is manufactured the API is sent for testing at 1 of 5 renowned laboratories around the world to have it independently tested for purity, contaminants and heavy metal content. If however these results show the API to be of low grade the batch is declined and any work with that specific supplier is scrutinized and likely to be voided.
Over the years the team have been able to create relationships with a group of suppliers which have delivered the highest purity API’s without ever compromising on quality. We trust these suppliers but still adhere to strict in-house protocol of having items tested before purchase.
With our state of the art GMP certified laboratory based in Asia we are able to stick to stringent protocols to ensure accuracy and purity of the final product. Once the final product is manufactured at our facility the final product is also sent for testing at renowned certified facilities around the world that offer HPLC testing. Only once we receive a positive result the batches are released to wholesalers and retailers around the world.